Yorkshire creative agency Peg has thanked its not-for-profit landlord for assistance during the pandemic by producing a short film showcasing the organisation’s efforts to help boost entrepreneurial activity in Leeds.
Launched in 2020 and specialising in video storytelling, brand development, PR and content strategy, Peg is based at Leeds Media Centre, one of three business hubs in the city run by community-focused landlord Unity Enterprise (UE), a subsidiary of Leeds social landlord Unity Homes.
The film features interviews with UE staff together with contributions from other tenants including craft designer and author Corinne Lapierre, and Christina Cambridge of Cardinal Care Services, together with stunning aerial footage of the surrounding area.
Peg operates a hi-tech, multi-camera television studio and production office from its Media Centre base, as well as green room and storage facilities, from which it can offer premium video and audio recording for a full array of live broadcasts, webcasts, online content, training videos and other media content.
Dave McCormack, Peg managing director, was keen to pull out all the stops to thank the landlord for its support: “Covid presented huge logistical challenges for everyone, but it was especially difficult for start-ups seeking to establish themselves in a desperately uncertain business climate. However, Adrian and Pauline at UE could not have done more to support us and enable Peg to flourish.
“We thought it would be appropriate to play our part in taking UE’s offer of practical assistance and relentless positivity to a wider audience because what they offer fledgling businesses at an affordable cost is second to none.”