West Yorkshire animation and VFX studio, One Bright Dot, has produced a Magical Sleigh Ride VR film for Christmas 2020.
It was commissioned by The Seasonal Group to follow up on last year’s sleigh ride film.
“We are delighted to continue this relationship with The Seasonal Group,” said Chris Brearley, Managing Director of One Bright Dot.
“The feedback we have received from the both the Sleigh Ride & Jungle Boat ride films has been amazing. Creating virtual reality content provides us with an exciting opportunity to push the business forward and build upon the film & TV commercial work that has been the mainstay since opening in 2016. We are already in early discussions with The Seasonal Group to create a third installment of the Sleigh Ride films and two completely new films. We can’t wait to see what other adventures D.A.S.H will find himself in next.”
D.A.S.H. is the Digital Automated Santa Helper, part of the immersive 360degree, 4D experience. Seating up to 8 people and housed in “Santa’s sleigh lodge” the Magical Sleigh Ride VR experience transports families around the globe on a Christmas Eve trial flight.
“Our first project with OBD, Magical Sleigh Ride VR, was launched internationally in 2019 and continues to be a one of our most successful products.” added Andrew Bontoft, Managing Director of The Seasonal Group.
“We’ve just launched our Jungle Ride VR, where the main character, DASH, created by OBD, needs to find the Lost Crystals. Our customers are impressed and are already placing orders. We feel truly proud to fly the flag for northern business and the creativity and ambition that businesses like OBD provide makes the success of our business so much easier. They’re a great team to work with, who listen, understand and deliver and would be a benefit to any business looking for animation and visual effects.”
The ride was rolled out last year throughout the UK & Europe, the sequel film will be available as an add-on purchase to existing owners of a Magical VR Sleigh Ride or new systems can be purchased with both films pre-installed.