HeyStephenHey appointed to promote game by Hamburg studio


Manchester video games marketing agency HeyStephenHey has won a contract to promote ‘Lost Ember’ by Hamburg’s Mooneye Studios.

The game, which will be available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2018, enables players to explore a beautiful world nature has claimed back from mankind.  Via the main character of a wolf with the power to inhabit and control other animals, players are able to discover the ruins of long forgotten civilisations and ancient cultures.

“As soon as I saw the game, I fell in love with it as it is utterly captivating”, said founder Stephen Hey. “I am forever in awe of those who have the vision and talent to make games and the team at Mooneye are no exception, in fact they are sickeningly young and talented!

“Their dedication to making ‘Lost Ember’ everything it can be is all consuming and I am very happy to be working with that kind of passion.”

Mooneye CEO Tobias Graff added: “We want to show the world our game and with Stephen’s experience on our side, we feel confident that we’ll be able to give Lost Ember the release it deserves.”


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