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YouGov research reveals different generations’ attitudes to online gambling


The recent International Gambling Report 2021 from YouGov found that stigmas around gambling online vary significantly between generations worldwide.

The report, which can be downloaded here, also showed which types of online gambling are popular among the younger generation, and which are dropping rapidly in prominence.

According to the report, it “should give encouragement to those looking at liberalizing gambling laws… that so many see gambling as a recreational pursuit.” Where in the past gambling might have been seen as a destructive activity, more and more people nowadays are taking part or simply see it as a fun activity.

YouGov’s research, which is based on findings across 13 markets worldwide, shows that 41% of all online gamblers view it as a fun thing to do. This is much higher than the 18% who say it enhances the experience of sports, and those who believe they can reliably make money via betting.

Download the full International Gambling Report right here

In the younger age groups, the proportion of those that see it as fun increases. Among 25-34s, it’s 43% – while among 18-24s, it’s 48%. That means that nearly half of the youngest category of gamblers do so primarily for the enjoyment.

What’s more, millennials show a much greater willingness and desire to talk about online gambling with their friends, family and colleagues – demonstrating that stigma about playing for money is beginning to drop.

63% of 18-to-24 year-olds who play online say they happily talk about gambling with their peers – 17% above the global average.

When it comes to discussing gambling on social media, the overall numbers are lower, but the trend is the same. More than a quarter of under-35s agree they talk about gambling on social media, with the global average sitting at just 17%.

The International Gambling Report breaks down choices around online gambling by game, too – uncovering that the younger generation prefer games where skill is at least part of its appeal, including card games, financial betting and esports.

That means that on products like instant-win online lottery games which are down to pure chance, their relative popularity is much lower. Only around half as many 18-24s play online lottery draws as online gamblers in the 35+ age group.

To learn more about the generational breakdown of online gambling, and their respective attitudes to the sector, fill out the form below.

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