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Tech Awards 2024 – faqs

Prolific North Tech Awards: Get Your Tech Wins Recognised!

From entry criteria, to deadlines, fees and the live ceremony – we’ve put together everything you need to know about this year’s awards below.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team on


Finding the right category

Categories are grouped as follows:

  • Recognising agencies and teams
  • Recognising campaigns
  • Recognising sector specific campaigns
  • Recognising individuals

You can view the full list of categories, along with more details on specific entry requirements here.

1. Make sure you select the right categories

Have a read of all category descriptions here and gauge the quality of your campaign/work/innovation or organisation/team performance against the descriptions of what judges will be looking for. Misaligned entries may be disqualified or placed in a more suitable category. ​

2. Tell us a story

Tell the judges a story that flows logically from the problem to the solution, highlighting your approach and points of difference. Judges have lots of submissions to read. To stand out, make sure your entries present a clear and compelling story. ​If you are submitting your work in multiple categories, ensure you tailor your entry to align with each category criteria.

3. Results are key

The number one differentiating factor between most entries is evidence of impact, results or effectiveness. Ask yourself what would the judges find compelling – this can be stats, client testimonials, evidence of focus on people or wider social impact depending on the categories you’re entering. Ensure you highlight these clearly and how they measure up to your original objectives where possible.

4. A word on budgets

Budget size is not a deciding factor for winning, however judges prefer it when you give them an indication of the budget. Whilst the focus is holistic from idea through to implementation and effectiveness regardless of the budget, this information does help the judges understand context and they may favour entries that are more transparent. All our judges sign an NDA before they get access to the entries and your entry is confidential.

5. Keep it simple – avoid excessive jargon

While some industry-specific terms are acceptable, overusing jargon can be off-putting. Judges appreciate simplicity and clear communication. ​

6. Include supporting material

Supporting materials, such as compelling videos or images, can enhance an entry if they add value and complement the story. Keep them concise and relevant to avoid overwhelming judges. ​

7. Allow sufficient time

Allocate enough time for learning about the entry process, gathering supporting documentation or feedback from colleagues  to create the most  well-rounded submission you possibly can. We recommend you work to deadlines even if extensions may be available. ​

8. Finish with a strong summary

Now that you’ve written the bones of your submissions, think of the most compelling elements of your entry and summarise them for the judges. This is crucial as judges often start there. It should provide a clear and engaging overview of the entry, including the objectives, points of difference, and results.

When writing your entry, it’s important you include all the relevant information and supporting materials. Use our handy checklist below to keep you right!

  • Entry name: the way you’d like us to refer to your entry on any collateral and on the trophy should you win. Try to make it as interesting as possible for the judges and fairly short – use the format below.

For team/agency/company awards: this should be the name of your organisation

For campaign awards: Agency name x Client name – Name of campaign

For individual awards: Full name – Organisation name

  • Company logo – This will be used during our winner’s announcements, so if you are submitting on behalf of a client and would like them to get recognition during the show, please upload their company logo, rather than your own. Please include in a png or jpeg in high resolution.
  • Company logo – white – Please provide a white version of your logo – our award presentation will be a black background so this is to ensure your logo can be seen. Please include in a png or jpeg in high resolution.
  • Social handles – This is so we can congratulate you on social media, in the event of a nomination or win. (X, LI & Instagram)
  • Website
  • Office location(s)
  • Number of employees (full & part time)
  • Entry summary – Summarise the key points (250 words). Make it as informative, succinct and enticing as possible for the judges.
  • What was your budget for this campaign? – Please note we recommend giving an exact figure as it helps with the judging process. If you are not able to give an accurate figure, an estimation will suffice. (Campaign categories only)
  • Entry information (confidential, mandatory) – Please structure your main entry using the following three headings: Objectives, Strategy & Results (1250 words)
  • Entry video (optional) – You have the option to add either a Youtube or Vimeo link (please make sure to have your video set to public). This video should be of your entry or to support your written entry and shouldn’t be longer than 3 minutes – please let us know if you’d like your video to be kept confidential otherwise we might choose to show it on the night should you win.
  • Entry image – This will be the image we will use across marketing and event materials in the event of a nomination or win. It can be an image from your campaign (if applicable), a company logo or a headshot. Max file size – 10MB

Attachments (max 5)

  • Supporting files – If you have additional creative or infographics you can combine them into one pdf for the judges’ consideration. This is optional and only if needed to supplement your entry (you will have the chance to add images in the publication section below that the judges will see).
  • Supporting URL(s) – If you have a web page or site that shows your work, then you should add the link here. Please don’t include a website that is not part of your entry as this will be judged as part of your submission.

When writing your entry, it’s important you include all the relevant information and supporting materials – please note there is additional information required for an individual award. Use our handy checklist below to keep you right!

  • Entry summary – This will be used on your profile for the public vote so do not include any confidential information. (150 words)
  • Entry information (confidential, mandatory) – Please structure your main entry using the following three headings: Objectives, Strategy & Results (1250 words)
  • Entry video (optional) – You have the option to add either a Youtube or Vimeo link (please make sure to have your video set to public). This video should be of your entry or to support your written entry and shouldn’t be longer than 3 minutes – please let us know if you’d like your video to be kept confidential otherwise we might choose to show it on the night should you win.
  • Entry Headshot – Please ensure this is a high resolution photo and portrait. This will be the image we will use across marketing and event materials in the event of a nomination or win. It can be an image from your campaign (if applicable), a company logo or a headshot. (Max file size – 10MB)
  • Who is being nominated? select from the drop down with ‘Yourself’, or ‘Colleague/friend’ and ‘student’
  • Does the nominee know they are being nominated? We may need to contact you about this entry, so please ensure the contact details are not the nominee’s if they do not know.

Attachments (max 5)

  • Supporting files – If you have additional creative or infographics you can combine them into one pdf for the judges’ consideration. This is optional and only if needed to supplement your entry (you will have the chance to add images in the publication section below that the judges will see).
  • Supporting URL(s) – If you have a webpage or site that shows your work, then you should add the link here. Please don’t include a website that is not part of your entry as this will be judged as part of your submission.

Frequently asked questions

who is eligible to enter the prolific north tech awards?

  • You are eligible to enter the Prolific North Tech Awards Awards your organisation is headquartered / has an operational base in the North of England or your campaign covers the North of England OR Scotland.
  • If you’re entering work done in partnership with another organisation (for example, an agency submitting a campaign delivered for a client) either the agency OR client needs to have a presence in the North to be eligible.
  • Entries should relate to work undertaken in the twelve months preceding the final entry deadline (e.g. September 2023 – September 2024 for the Prolific North Tech Awards).
  • Entries are now open, enter via our bespoke portal here

You can view the full list of 2024 categories here.

how do I submit an entry?

You’ll need to register on our dedicated portal to submit your entry. The process is quick and easy.

  1. Select your categories
  2. Create your account or log in via the portal
  3. Start your entries
  4. Save your entries
  5. Submit/pay for your entries 

Click here to register on the portal.

what are the entry criteria?

Entries should relate to work undertaken in the twelve months preceding the final entry deadline (e.g. September 2023 – September 2024 for the Prolific North Tech Awards).  If you have any doubts on your work’s eligibility we’re happy to help, please contact us on

You can submit the same work into multiple categories if relevant – duplicating entries within the portal is simple.

If your organisation is headquartered or has an operational base in the North of England and/or Scotland – you’re eligible to enter. Please note: if you’re entering work done in partnership with another organisation, for example, an agency submitting a campaign delivered for a client – either the agency OR client needs to have a presence in the North and/or Scotland to be eligible.

A transparent and fair judging process is at the heart of all Prolific North Awards. Our carefully selected panel of judges will be split into subgroups depending on their expertise and assigned categories to score. Judges will read and score all entry forms, considering any supporting materials submitted if needed. Judges will be asked to give a score (1-10) for each of the following areas:

  1. Effectiveness (measurable impact and results)
  2. Implementation
  3. Innovation
  4. Evidence of growth or potential for growth
  5. Social & environmental impact where applicable

These will be combined to give an overall score for each entry. All judges’ pre-scores will then be combined and the highest scoring entries will determine the shortlists.

Judges then meet to discuss the highest scoring entries and agree the winner for each category. 

The winners of the individual awards will be decided by a combination of judges’ scores and a public vote. We are happy to provide an overview of judges comments on your entry, please contact us on to arrange.

You can view the full list of the 2024 categories here.

what are the entry deadlines and fees?

  • Early bird deadline: 16 July 2024 – Now closed
  • Final entries deadline: 29 August 2024 – £200 +VAT per entry

To discuss further extensions, contact the team on

Please ensure you read the Terms & Conditions before submitting an entry.

are there any free-to-enter categories?

 Our free-to-enter categories for 2024 include;

  • Tech Hub of the Year
  • Northern Tech Deal of the Year
  • Tech Start-up of the Year
  • Tech for Good Award
  • Prolific Tech Leader of the Year
  • Prolific Tech Rising Star

You can find the full category list with descriptions here.

Free-to-enter categories will have discount applied at checkout.

who judges the prolific north awards?

  • Our judging panel represent experts and leaders from across the North’s biggest brands and agencies, with decades and collective experience between them. You can view the full 2024 judging panel here.
  • A transparent and fair judging process is at the heart of all Prolific North Awards. Our carefully selected panel of judges will be split into subgroups depending on their expertise and assigned categories to score.
  • Judges will read and score all entry forms, considering any supporting materials submitted if needed. Judges will be asked to give a score for each question within the Entry Information tab. These will be combined to give an overall score for each entry. All judges’ pre-scores will then be combined and the highest scoring entries will determine the shortlists.
  • Judges then meet to discuss the highest scoring entries and agree the winner for each category.
  • The winners of the individual awards will be decided by a combination of judges’ scores and a public vote. We are happy to provide an overview of judges comments on your entry, please contact us on to arrange.

when will the shortlist re released?

  • The shortlist will be announced on Thursday 26 September.
  • The winners of the 2023 Prolific North Tech Awards is here.

when and where are the 2024 tech awards?

  • The live awards ceremony will take place at Manchester United Football Club on Thursday 28 November.
  • Check out the 2023 winners here

how can I buy tickets?

Tickets will be available to buy directly on our website on Thursday 26 September, with a limited number of early bird packages available.

can I sponsor the 2024 tech awards?

  • We have a number of different sponsorship packages available this year. Click here to complete our short enquiry form and download our media pack.

2024 Sponsors

Better Placed

Bruntwood SciTech