With COP27 dominating the headlines, Chester Zoo has teamed up with Chester-based credit card provider MBNA to launch a new, social media-focussed education project helping to inspire action around climate change and sustainability amongst young people.
Chester Zoo’s Climate Connection Project will, with MBNA’s support, deliver multiple workshops with 1,500 young people aged 10 – 14 years old, from primary and secondary schools across the north west.
The project, which aims to arm future generations with the information they need to tackle climate change, includes sessions on social media centred around sustainable travel, a look into the realities of the fast fashion business and the impact of buying the latest smart phone every year.
All the young people taking part in the programme will also be given a free family ticket to visit Chester Zoo.
Charlotte Smith, director of conservation education at Chester Zoo, said: “We’re delighted to be launching our new sustainability project with MBNA, as we continue to champion young people to help us protect our planet.
“A lot of young people are already aware of the environmental impact we’re having on the planet but are not always sure how they can help themselves and others. That’s why this project aims to inspire the classes we work with by making sessions more relevant to young people’s day to day lives.
During the last academic year, Chester Zoo’s outreach programmes have worked with over 9,000 young people from 52 schools.
Victoria Dowd, sponsorships manager at MBNA, added: “As a Chester headquartered business, we’ve always been proud to work with Chester Zoo, an organisation that relies on donations and funding to deliver some truly world-leading conservation projects.
“This project is particularly special for us as it supports what we’re striving to achieve as a business. We’re really keen to continue to support the programme as it grows, and are proud to be backing such an important cause.”