Seabrook’s returns to television with first commercial in 15 years


Seabrook Crisps is to run its first national TV campaign in 15 years.

Created by Leeds agency, Principles, it will celebrate the brand’s new theme of being “Brilliant by the Bagful.”

The creative features snapshots of individuals enjoying their favourite flavour whilst looking after the kids, on their lunch break or waiting for a bus.

“We are absolutely delighted to be taking the Seabrook brand back on TV after an absence of almost 15 years and the advertisement truly reflects our charm and personality perfectly, capturing its essence, character and wit,” said Neil Gibson, Head of Marketing at Seabrook.

The commercial was filmed in Manchester under Covid-19 restrictions.

“It was an absolute pleasure to work with such an iconic Yorkshire brand. We’re passionate about helping businesses to grow using our core strength, which is to develop big ideas which evolve from genuine insight,” added Liz Bryne, Client Services Director at Principles.

“We feel the final output of our working together is a perfect representation of what Seabrook stands for and where they’re heading as a brand. The initial feedback we’ve had from social media has been fantastic and we’re excited to see how awareness increases over the coming weeks.” 

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