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YouGov report on omni-channel shopping provides lessons for online retailers hoping to succeed now and into the future


The most recent report from YouGov has been released and explores consumers’ shopping choices through COVID, providing useful lessons for online and physical retailers.

The International Omni-Channel Retail Report 2021 makes conclusions about the motivators and barriers of bricks-and-mortar retail as well as those for online retail – finding that shoppers respond mainly to the factors of Shopping Experience, Convenience, and Value to make retail decisions.

Click below to download the full report and learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on global retail.

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The report demonstrates that physical retail is used by 86% of shoppers worldwide, while the penetration of online retail is 81% – and nearly three-quarters of shoppers tend to use both.

“Now more than ever it is crucial for retailers and brands to understand the dynamics at play impacting shoppers within the retail industry,” says the report. And while the statistics show that many people are choosing online over bricks-and-mortar channels, especially for discretionary items, people’s preferences remain different.

Many shoppers’ preferences remain to buy products in-person – though of those who stated their preference for buying discretionary items like clothes in person, less than half were choosing to do so.

Looking at YouGov’s markets worldwide, the report shows that both the pandemic itself and national governments’ responses with lockdowns and restrictions have hit retail around the world. Some of the changes are irreversible, while others look temporary until people can return to their shops of choice in person.

It demonstrates that people’s choices of channel depend on factors including category needs or trip missions – so while bricks-and-mortar is chosen for immediate needs or where physical engagement is required, online shopping provides convenience, the ability to social distance, and greater choice.

Ultimately, it shows why retailers need to be smart in the strategy they choose – and whether they focus on bricks-and-mortar, online, or a combination of both. Looking at all the barriers and motivators for the channels, the report encourages brands not to be complacent because behaviours can change rapidly – and emphasises that the winners will be those who intimately understand their market and their consumers.

To download the report, fill out the form below.


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