Media Agency Group wins Knowsley Safari brief after three-way pitch

Knowsley Safari Park

Knowsley Safari has appointed Media Agency Group to take a lead on media planning and buying after a three-way pitch.

The agency has been handed the lead from incumbent Vizeum for the full planning and buying for the popular visitor destination for the next three years.

John Kehoe, CEO of Media Agency Group, said: “Knowsley Safari is an amazing visitor destination and we are thrilled to be able to use our tourism industry insight and knowledge to enable them to further their build their brand and attract new visitors.

“The beauty of being an independent agency is that we have a very hands-on approach and make clients feel like we’re an extension of their team, supporting them throughout the whole marketing journey.”

Rachel Scott, Head of Marketing at Knowsley Safari, added: “The MAG team really impressed us with their enthusiasm and innovative approach during the competitive tender process. They have a great expertise in tourism and destination marketing, and we are excited to start working with them on our plans for 2020 and beyond.”

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