Co-op launches UK’s first convenience retail media network

Co-op has created the Co-op Media Network, which it says will help brands reach new and wider audiences.

The first of its kind in the UK convenience sector, it will combine its in-house team and longterm agency partner, Threefold under a single brand identity.

“This is a momentous move for Co-op and one that will solidify our position in the retail media sector,” explained Kenyatte Nelson, Chief Membership & Customer Officer at Co-op.

“Co-op’s nationwide network of frequently shopped smaller stores drives increased opportunities to see for brands’ advertising campaigns, and the unique impulsive nature of convenience shopping missions creates untapped occasions for brands to grow their sales. Convenience shopping and supermarket shopping are different purchasing occasions, and brands will see greater sales and brand building benefits by executing media against both.”

The aim is for the Co-op Media Network Group to enable brands to have better opportunities to connect their goods and services to interested Co-op shoppers in offsite digital media channels. This they say will allow brands to “improve their media efficiency by focusing their advertising spend on shoppers that are more likely to engage with their products.”

“There’s now an ever-growing opportunity for brands to strategically connect with a distinct group of convenience shoppers with precision, ensuring the right messages are received by the right customers,” added Samuel Knights, CEO of Threefold’s parent company, SMG.

“As the importance of retail media continues to grow within the broader marketing mix for brands, SMG’s proprietary software product, Plan-Apps, will help brands investing in Co-op Media Network to gain a comprehensive understanding of performance and measure the high ROI that convenience media can drive. We’re so excited to see this come to life.”

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