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The Yorkshire vegan subscription service aiming to show that plant-based diets don’t have to be bland

Vegan Tuck Box

Piers Morgan may deride it as an “increasingly irritating” concept, but veganism is indisputedly having its moment.

The leftovers from the Christmas turkey were still relatively fresh when Greggs broke the internet with the launch of their vegan “sausage” roll.

And record numbers – 14,000 on December 30th alone – have committed to a plant-based diet throughout January as part of the still-difficult-to-say “Veganuary” campaign.

2019, indeed, is already being called “the year of the vegan”. 

As well as preventing the suffering of animals, Veganuary’s organisers say veganism cuts cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and prevents heart disease, as well as reducing each person’s carbon emissions. Many still find it hard to resist temptation and avoid common animal products, which are present in so many consumables.

For the team at Vegan Tuck Box, a Barnsley-based subscription service sending out plant-based snacks on a monthly basis: “Veganuary is a fantastic successful campaign that is going from strength to strength with more and more people signing up to try vegan for the month each year.”

Vegan Tuck Box was founded by two vegans, Kelly and Chrissi, who say they “believe that all animals and humans should be treated equally”.

As well as thinking about preventing suffering and exploitation, they’re “also concerned with environmental issues and living a healthy life… the fact that veganism benefits both of these is a triple win”.

The company offers the following advice to those giving Veganuary a go: “doing it all at once can make it quite a daunting challenge. Breaking it down into bitesize chunks really helps you enjoy the whole journey.”

Kelly Slade, Vegan Tuck Box
Kelly Slade, one half of Vegan Tuck Box’s original founding duo

Convenient and tasty alternatives to animal products

Many who plan to go vegan or try it out often struggle with grabbing convenient snacks or lunches, and are less able to find suitable, satisfying vegan options. Vegan Tuck Box sends crisps, sweets, snack bars – and even things like bhajis – packaged and delivered to subscribers’ doors.

Others might be concerned about the variety of food on offer to them. “Delicious new vegan food products are constantly coming on to the market,” says Vegan Tuck Box.

Subscribing is “a great way for non-vegans to realise how good plant-based food is, and realise it’s not necessary to consume animal products because there are now so many alternatives that taste delicious. A vegan food subscription box is the perfect way to try new vegan items regularly.”

The team behind Veganuary remind those taking the pledge of the wide variety of “accidentally vegan” food – that is, those incidentally plant-based, not produced specifically to be that way.

The list includes something for any meal of the day – baked beans, peanut butter, houmous, french fries cooked in oil; even bourbon biscuits and many brands of crisps. Remembering how much you can eat that’s already free from animal products might make getting to the end of Veganuary easier.

Veganuary say this is the "Veganning"
Is 2019 the “year of the vegan”?

A growing community of pro-vegan businesses

As well as making things easier for budding vegans hoping to last the month without touching animal products, Vegan Tuck Box also backs growing businesses with a similar worldview.

“Getting a vegan product into one of our monthly boxes is a fantastic marketing opportunity for companies to test new products, reach the vegan market and get their product directly into the hands of vegan consumers.

“We also wanted to be able to give something to the non business vegan community so 10p from each subscription box is donated to a different vegan cause or sanctuary every month.”

The Veganuary campaign claims “Trying vegan has never been so easy.” With all the information they’ve produced online on going vegan, along with the free-from options available in all supermarkets – as well as subscription services like Vegan Tuck Box – there’s never been a simpler time to try veganism, even if it is for just one month.

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