The Southport Visiter is returning to Lord Street, where the newspaper was first published in 1844.
However, rather than housing the printing presses of 1844, it will instead be a “digital hub.”
“Four years ago, in 2010, we were able to benefit the community by offering our vacant ground floor to provide a temporary home to Southport Library, when the facility was displaced by the three-year, £20million redevelopment of the stunning Atkinson centre,” explained editor Andrew Brown of the move.
“We were delighted to be of service, but our ground floor has remained empty ever since.
“Times have changed. We have been left rattling around in a huge town centre building which no longer needs to house mammoth printing presses and a small army of people to service them. We boast a very talented team of reporters and advertising staff equipped with the latest in modern technology who are mobile and better able to engage directly with readers and advertisers.”
The Visiter is so called because when it started out, it recorded the names of guests who visited the town, as well as news, opinion and adverts. At the time, “visiter” was an accepted spelling of the word. Originally intended as a souvenir edition, it cost 3d and had a circulation of 400, but with the paper selling out it became a regular feature – even if it took 6 hours to print.
Brown continued:
“The news will be reported as it happens – through video, through pictures, through live commentary, through live interaction from readers. It is news gathering in the smartest way, which will also enhance our print titles.
“Technology allows us to bring our readers the very best local stories in ways that are more instant, dynamic, visual, and interactive. And it also enables us to make news that is available 24/7.
“That is why we are investing in a super new site,, to provide more and better up-to-the-minute news from our area.”
The move will take place on December 20th.
“The Visiter has been the heartbeat of the Southport community for the past 170 years. We have evolved constantly to maintain our position as the first place local people look to find their news, their sport, and to advertise their businesses. That will remain true for many years to come.”
More images of The Southport Visiter through the years, are on its website.