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Savvy’s Catherine Shuttleworth on putting Ed Miliband on the spot


When Catherine Shuttleworth asked Ed Miliband about the economy and Ed Balls on Question Time, little did she know what was to happen next.

She suddenly became the story, with journalists outside her door and claims that she was a “Tory stooge.”

“Anybody who knows me, knows I’m forthright,” she told Prolific North.

“I mean he [Ed Miliband]’s probably a throughly decent bloke, but he didn’t answer the question.”

The CEO and founder of Savvy Marketing added that she applied for Question Time tickets when she saw it was going to be filmed in Leeds and that despite claims on social media and in the papers, she doesn’t have any political allegiances and isn’t a member of a party, but is a regular viewer of the show.

“When it comes to the economy, yes, I probably am pro-coalition and what they’ve done over the last 5 years. It has been a tough time for agencies.

“In our sector the way we get work is if companies, large and small have confidence in the economy and today I’ve had lots of emails from businesses saying they agree.”

When asked about claims that she was pro-Conservative and had signed the small business letter that had been printed by the Daily Telegraph, Shuttleworth said that she had signed the letter “as one of the few political things I’ve done.”

“I’m not a political commentator, I run a business.”

Did she regret putting Miliband on the spot?

“Well you can’t go on Question Time and not ask a question, but I have to admit I’ve been a bit taken aback today.”

If you haven’t watched the programme, you can view it on the iPlayer, here.

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