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Salesfire releases trends tool early to help businesses facing economic uncertainty


Salesfire, a Middlesbrough-based software company, has launched a live UK eCommerce trends tool to provide clarity for online retailers during the current economic uncertainty.

The new tool has been released for free in an effort to help retailers and digital agencies struggling to get a handle on forecasting during such a turbulent period for many businesses. 

Tracking day-to-day eCommerce activity, the dashboard shows every sale, page view, and visitor across the Salesfire network in real-time.

Online retailers can also create a benchmarking dashboard to compare their business’s statistics to real-time industry trends by adding a line of code to their site. 

Rich Himsworth, CEO of Salesfire, said: “We’d initially planned to implement this as part of our product much further down the line, but as we noticed things starting to change a few weeks ago, we quietly began fast-tracking the project. 

“As the severity of the situation began to become apparent, we decided to share this with our peers for free – we’re all in this together at the end of the day. 

“We’ve actually witnessed growth in online sales over the last couple of weeks across our network too – so hopefully we’re able to offer some positivity for retailers and agencies during such a trying period. The digital sector in Middlesbrough has provided us with a lot of support over the last couple of years and we want to make sure we’re offering that back.” 

Salesfire is also offering free consultations and workshops for online retailers looking for ways to stabilise their revenue or safeguard their current online offering during difficult periods. 

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