On Wednesday 12 June, as part of Event 005 at the Sharp Project, Prolific North will be hosting a panel discussion with representatives of two of the successful North West local TV bidders together with some leading advertising and media figures.
The one hour panel session will begin at 5pm.
The session will co-incide with the launch of new on-site studio facilities at the Sharp Project and guests will be welcome to tour the new studios as well as the newly refurbished Stage One and also take part in various related activities.
The Local TV panel will be looking at the newly awarded city-based television licenses and the opportunities they may bring for producers, content creators and advertisers in the North West.
Prolific North’s publisher Nick Jaspan will be joined by Jim Manson of Your TV Manchester and Chris Johnson of Bay TV Liverpool.
Other panellists from the media industry will be confirmed shortly.
Atendance at the panel session is free but we are restricted in numbers to 60 so readers wishing to attend should send their full name and company details asap to confirm their attendance to events@thesharpproject.co.uk