Oldham Advertiser halves print run as it “realigns” distribution model


The Oldham Advertiser has more than halved its print run just eight months after a “radical and unconventional” redesign.

The Trinity Mirror-owned free weekly has “realigned” its distribution model, reducing its print run from 55,883 – according to the latest ABC figures – to 24,000 with the remaining copies available on a pick-up basis at supermarkets.

The Oldham Advertiser after its relaunch in May The Oldham Advertiser after its relaunch in May

The title is also no longer 100% free, with copies now available in selected newsagents for 75p.

The changes come only a few months after it underwent a major relaunch, with MEN Media describing it at the time as representing a “new approach to producing weekly newspapers”.

However Steve Anderson-Dixon, managing director Trinity Mirror North West, Manchester and North Wales, maintained that the distribution changes would ensure better value for advertisers and that the overall reach of the paper would actually increase with the “imminent” launch of an e-edition.

He said: “Following the relaunch, the Oldham Advertiser’s ability to attract readership and drive response has improved enormously and to better serve a target audience for advertisers we have simply realigned our method of distribution.

“We have deliberately reduced the number of copies we delivered door to door and have introduced an active pick up model in supermarkets and areas of high footfall.

“We have reduced the overall number of copies but invested in increased pagination to improve the overall reading experience with more news, pictures and local facts. In addition, we anticipate our reach will be even greater with the imminent launch of the free e-edition.”


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