Newcastle immersive tech firm wins Vantec Europe contract


Vantec Europe has appointed Lumanorth to support its innovative 3D immersive training programme.

One of the largest firms in the North East, Vantec is to use life-like, 3D scenarios to help train its workforce.

Newcastle-base Lumanorth will develop and implement a new immersive suite using cutting edge technology,

“We are delighted to be working with Lumanorth. Their track record in being able to create and deliver pioneering immersive training software and experiences for international companies is second-to-none. Now we have formed a partnership with Lumanorth we can continue to evolve the way we train our workforce,” explained Martin Kendall, Managing Director of Vantec.

“Our requirements are very bespoke and require a sophisticated approach that will enable us to utilise our internal systems and data and work collaboratively with our own in-house teams to provide a 3D training system that is not only fit-for-purpose, but is proven to increase learning and knowledge retention.”

Richard Coates, Managing Director of Lumanorth added:

“This is exactly the type of specialist project that our team can excel at. Our background in game technology and gamification, and our ability to design learning environments based on science, using the latest technology, with the very best in visualisation, means we are well placed to do so. We’re really looking forward to working with the Martin and his team on what we’re confident will be a pioneering immersive training project.”

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