Magnetic North co-founder Lou Cordwell is among four new board members at the Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Cordwell is joined by Juergen Maier, managing director of Siemens UK Industry Sector, MAN Primeserv Diesel chief executive Wayne Jones and David Birch, of McKinsey and Company.
The four will replace Ove Arup’s Roger Milburn, Rathbone Training’s Alison Tumilty, Neil McArthur from Talk Talk Technology and Ken Knott, chief executive of Ask Developments. Peter Marks, chief executive of the Co-operative, is also stepping down as he is retiring next month.
Further candidates will be assessed for the one remaining place on the private sector panel, but an LEP report on the board changes notes that Manchester-born former Goldman Sachs executive Jim O’Neill is interested in joining.
LEP chair Mike Blackburn said: “I’m delighted to welcome David, Lou, Wayne and Juergen to the board. Together, they bring a whole range of skills and experience to the table – particularly from the manufacturing, international, creative and digital sectors – which are key growth areas for Greater Manchester.
“I look forward to working with them during their tenure to help steer the city and surrounding area through these challenging times. I would also like to thank those board members who are outgoing at this time. Their drive and commitment has helped to put Greater Manchester in a good position to deliver against its growth strategy.”
The board has nine private sector members, four local authority members and two observers. Three private sector members – ANS Group’s Scott Fletcher, Addleshaw Goddard’s Keith Johnston and Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, vice chancellor at Manchester University – will stay on.
The changes follow a review of the board’s membership which involved meetings with all private sector members to evaluate their motivation, commitment and the contribution they had made so far.
The LEP, which was founded two years ago in the wake of the scrapping of regional development agencies, is involved in shaping strategy and overseeing delivery for the city in various ways, from employment and trade to tourism and housing.