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Liverpool FC youngsters muck in on the farm in new VistaPrint campaign

Liverpool FC youngsters Stefan Bajetic, Kaide Gordon and Bobby Clark were getting their hands dirty over the weekend as a new campaign celebrating local businesses launched with VistaPrint.

‘Klopps’s Kids’ can be found helping out for the day at Acorn Farm, an award-winning, family-friendly farm in Kirkby, Merseyside, in the new campaign.

In the campaign video, the young stars enjoy a tour of the farm and get an opportunity to meet the animals, as well as the farm’s staff and volunteers. The players also compete for the coveted farmyard ‘GOAT’ title. This sees each player offer the farm’s goats some tasty treats to find out who their favourite player is.

The visit to Acorn Farm is part of Liverpool FC’s continued partnership with VistaPrint which aims to empower local small businesses by promoting them on the global football stage. The partnership includes ‘work experience’ initiatives to spotlight small businesses across the city. As part of the most recent campaign, VistaPrint has gifted £3,000 to help Acorn Farm with its expansion to their new business site.

19-year-old midfielder Clark said: “It was such an enjoyable day at Acorn Farm for us all and the team there is fantastic and a real asset to our local community. I’m glad we got to experience this together as part of the club’s partnership with VistaPrint.”

Antoine Thieser, brand strategy director at VistaPrint, added: “We absolutely love the spirit and dedication of everyone at Acorn Farm. What they are doing is truly special.

“Small businesses like these play a vital part within their communities. We can see that Acorn Farm makes a huge impact on the lives of the people who visit the farm, as well as to its staff, and disabled people in the local community, through the training they provide which helps them develop their work skills.”

Tracy Trumble at Acorn Farm said: “It has been a dream come true for us and all the people we support to have Stefan, Kaide and Bobby come and visit the farm. These young lads are wonderful players and lovely people, they have provided a real buzz around the farm for staff and visitors as there are a lot of Liverpool supporters at the farm – we would welcome them back anytime.

“As we celebrate our 40th year next year, expansion is important for us so that we are able to provide our services to more of the local community. This dream has got a little closer thanks to VistaPrint and Liverpool FC’s support.”

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