Well over 60 companies are already signed up to next year’s Prolific North Live, but there are still stands available.
The Early Bird rate has been extended to Tuesday September 20th, so if you are interested in exhibiting at EventCity, please click here.
Taking place on 15th and 16th February 2017, Prolific North Live promises to be even bigger and better than the hugely successful inaugural event earlier this year.
Already Steamhaus and Vision One have signed up as event sponsors, with Parker Software, Smoking Gun PR, CIPR and the CIM sponsoring rooms.
It’s expected that more than 150 exhibitors and partners will attend the two day show.
Among those already signed up are the BBC, Bruntwood, Hyper Island, MEN Media,
Media Yorkshire and Flipbook Studio.
To find out how you can book a stand today, secure a prime location
in the exhibition hall and save money, please contact Dunstan Carter on 07940 423202 or by emailing dunstan@prolificnorth.co.uk.