A new report has been published suggesting that consumers would prefer to use Chat Bots over apps, email or the phone to deal with their online queries.
The research from My Clever Agency, was announced at search, analytics and social conference, SAScon.
The report surveyed 1000 UK consumers about whether current digital services were meeting their expectations and also whether new technology could improve this.
It found that the biggest frustration was the lack of basic information on websites. This was followed by the inability to ask simple questions and that when they could, it was poor quality and didn’t provide a quick enough response.
68% stated that they liked the idea of Chat Bots being able to provide a 24-hour service, while 64% believe that tests would resolve their frustration of not getting speedy responses.
“Ever-evolving technology and an increasingly digitalised world has changed commerce forever. Online services that were once a luxury are now being demanded by consumers 24/7. In order to stay competitive, businesses are racing to keep up with consumer demands and technological innovations,” explained Rob McNair, managing director of myClever.
“The frustrations clearly indicate the need for online services to improve. And, although frustrations exist in all sectors, it’s interesting to see that the industries exhibiting the most frustrating customer experiences online are the least likely to improve them. Public sector bodies, for example, are notoriously slow to provide accessible online services – and when they do, they’re often inadequate, confusing and riddled with poor UX.”