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Blakeway North investigates foreign doctors for Channel 4


Blakeway North has spent the last 11 months following doctors from around the world as they come to work in the UK.

The Foreign Doctors Are Coming airs on Channel 4 next week and shows the journey that non-EU doctors must take in order to fill vacant posts in the NHS.

Crews filmed alongside the doctors as they adjust to life in the UK, the language and culture, and also get to grips with a new health system.

Many of the doctors are astonished to discover the expectations of British patients, with one stating:

“Back home we are gods, and the patients just have to listen…”

Blakeway also secured exclusive access to the General Medical Council in Manchester, as the doctors go through the medical training academy in order to take their exams.

It has been produced and directed by Andrew Dedman, with Sarah Murch the executive producer.

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