A Week in My Life: Will Hobson, PR Director, Rise at Seven

Will Hobson

Will Hobson joined Rise at Seven as PR director in 2020.

He has over five years of experience working across PR and SEO, previously working at agencies Edit and Branded3. 

Although he now currently heads up the London office at Rose at Seven, he oversees a team of digital PR leads working across Rise at Seven’s offices in London, Manchester, Sheffield and New York.

He shared how a recent week in his life went…



After waking up and catching up on the days news I get ready and head to our London office which is In Shoreditch. (I’m a five day a weeker in the office, crazy I know but i find it’s the best way for me to work) Monday mornings usually involve team updates, catching up on emails and producing my weekly what’s happening in PR tweet.

I have an important client meeting that I’m preparing for later in the week so after lunch I spend the rest of the day working on that deck. Monday is finished off with a catch up with our US team – I manage our NYC team (currently from the UK, but not for long –)


Similar to Monday my morning routine stays the same- catch up on the news, I tend to watch GMB as it has a variety of consumer and business stories. I head to our London office, our set days our Tuesday and Wednesday so it’s a lot busier in the office today so I spend time catching up with colleagues.

My first task of the day is a new business call with an exciting brand who are launching a new podcast and want us to support with creative concepts and PR. I then have a team lunch with some of the London risers before finishing off the deck for that important meeting on Thursday. After the day is finished I head to Shoreditch House for dinner with a client that we’ve been working with since the beginning of Rise to catch up.


Same morning routine as usual. Wednesday is the day I have the most client calls. Catching up with all our different brands on activity and plans for the rest of the month. Over lunch I meet one of our US clients who is in London for a coffee and a catch up.

They are in the middle of signing a large spokesperson which we are VERY excited about, we discuss tactics and how we will amplify the partnership. I head back to the office where I spend the afternoon working on a proposal for a brand we’re currently working with in the UK market but are looking to expand globally with. In the evening I head to a spin class at 1Rebel, I follow the instructor on TikTok and he’s hilarious so the class was all around fun and great to let off some steam of the week so far.


Thursday I was up early to travel to Manchester for a client meeting. I met my colleague in the train station and got some breakfast. Once in Manchester I headed over our office to catch up with the team before we headed over to our clients office.

We then walked to our clients office and had our meeting, it went well. We then went for an after work team drink to debrief then I got the train home back to London, the day flew by.


It’s Friday the last day of the week. I continue my usual morning routine of taking in the news then getting ready for the day. I head into the office – the reason I prefer to do five days a week is I find I work better in an office environment and enjoy getting the disconnect between home and work. My tasks for the day are wrapping up any last minute tasks and preparing for next week.

We have winter Fridays which means a 3pm finish on a Friday which is amazing. I do an end of the week wrap up with US team we’ve had some exciting coverage for a fitness brand we’re working with, we’ve been revealing how to get Miley Cyrus’ workout from her latest single flowers and it’s going down a treat. It’s my turn to host our all company end of the week meeting – All Rise, we like to review what’s happened this week and to celebrate the team for all their hard work.

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