A Week in My Life: Stacey Green, Head of Client Services at Voicescape


Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Manchester, Voicescape is a technology company that helps social landlords to build sustainable tenancies. 

Stacey Green, Head of Client Services, takes us through a week in her life…


We start every day with a video call for the Voicescape team to make sure that everyone has what they need for the week ahead. I then break out with my team to run a kickstart meeting to discuss priorities and projects. I find this really helps us to focus, discussing any issues together to find the right solution and support each other while working remotely.

On Mondays, we meet with our tech team to run through the production schedule of work for that week. This covers projects that are in production and development, what’s due for delivery and any updates for customers that need to be considered.  We also discuss new work in our project pipeline to be scheduled for build in the short term. As part of this, we prioritise changes/new projects relating to Coronavirus.

In this particular meeting, we’re advised that a ‘Covid welfare survey’ was ready to go live for one of our customers in the North West. My team quickly got in touch to let them know the first round of calls was ready for release. We supplied user guides for new users, so they had all the information required to interpret the results.


Another daily task is reviewing all current onboarding projects using our customer success software and chase any outstanding items with customers or colleagues directly. Each customer has a proactive plan relating to their long-term goals which we work through to ensure they’re getting the most out of the software.  

I work through emails – keeping in touch is really important to me. Today I had an interesting request from a customer with an idea about how they could use their system during lockdown to support tenant welfare and we booked in a call to discuss how Voicescape could help at such an important time.

I check in with the helpdesk team to ensure that we’re meeting our service level agreements. As an organisation, we acknowledge all tickets within two working hours and solve 85% at the first point. We also ensure that we have no more than five tickets open for more than five days, at any one time.


This week I am currently onboarding a new member of staff. In today’s session, I explain how each of our solutions works and we discuss common questions from customers.

I compile an email to my customers giving them an update of how Voicescape is responding to the pandemic offering suggestions about how else our solutions can be used to help. I also contact specific users reminding them about their Campaign Manager module which allows them to self-serve and to send informative messages to their customers, as well as giving them some ideas of how they can use it from booking in a repair job to sharing information about Universal Credit.


I have two performance reviews today with my operational contacts. I prep for the meeting by reviewing their system performance, to make sure they’re getting the most out of the tech.

It’s great being able to build rapport with my customers during these times as we’re all in the same boat. Our struggles may be different, but we can still empathise with one another and there’s less of a barrier because of that. Being so open about how we want to help them has really helped us get the most out of this lockdown period.


We are currently onboarding a new customer who started working with us during lockdown. I run a virtual training session on Voicescape Collections with two groups via Microsoft teams – meeting with people in Cambridgeshire from the comfort of my kitchen in Salford. The organisation really embraced the virtual training and the feedback was positive from the users during the training session.

With customers across the UK, I’m used to delivering sessions remotely, but this gives us an opportunity to take questions and demonstrate how this technology can help engage with customers and respond to their own unique challenges.

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