A Week in My Life: Amy O’Neill, Partnerships Manager, Ruler Analytics


As Partnerships Manager at Ruler Analytics, Amy O’Neill handles partner relationships for the marketing attribution specialist.

Ruler provides a tool that can be integrated with hundreds of digital solutions from Pipedrive and Google Analytics to Slack and Microsoft Dynamics.

With a busy schedule that sees her working in tandem with clients around the country, Amy shares the way a week in her working life looks.



Every Monday we kick start the week with a full team catch-up. Ian, one of the founders of Ruler, gets each of us to share what we worked on last week, and what our priorities are for the upcoming week. It’s a great way to keep connected, and has been fantastic while we’ve been working at home. 

Given my role managing all of our agency relationships, I usually have a pretty busy calendar! My first task after our catch-up call is to go through my tasks for the week, and the day. 

From demos and onboarding to general catch ups, my diary is usually always full with client activity. I’m forever jumping on Zoom and Google Hangouts, so my internet connection is usually my biggest worry. However, given the spread of our clients across the UK, and the world, working at home from a client perspective hasn’t changed too much. 

I have an afternoon call with a new client. The first call is always essential. Given that our platform is quite technical, we’ve got explaining it down to a tee.

The client seems really excited about the potential of connecting their revenue to their marketing channels, campaigns and even keywords. They’ve been pushing PPC advertising but haven’t been able to properly understand what leads and revenue have come as a result of it due to their offline conversions. I talk them through how Ruler can help them see the impact of their ad campaigns on a revenue, not click basis, and that helps to bring them on-board as a new partner!


Another day, another call! I’ve taken on a few new clients recently, so I set up a meeting to chat with our customer success team. They’re busy onboarding our new partners (and their clients). The onboarding process is essential to making sure our clients get the most out of Ruler, so I like to keep up to date with every client and agency and help where I can. 

Due to COVID, the conversation has definitely shifted. It’s where having strong relationships with our agency partner really comes into play. I have two scheduled calls with agency clients who are slowly picking back up. Our conversations are always positive as Ruler’s solution helps agencies in a number of ways – from highlighting the ROI of their work by attributing revenue directly to their campaigns, to helping them create pitches for new clients. 

Last week I had some new partners come my way so I follow these up with next steps. One agency had originally only wanted call tracking software so they could properly measure their inbound calls. However, after our first meeting and hearing about our marketing attribution capabilities, they’ve signed up for our closed-loop attribution model. 


Every Wednesday we have a sales and marketing meeting. We’re big believers of sales and marketing being a part of one team (it is what our solution helps others do, after all). Dave, Head of Marketing and Sales, runs through our forecasts and each sales team member summarises their week. It’s great to be able to hear what the others are up to, what new customers have signed up, and what opportunities are on the horizon. 

After that, our marketing team updates us on the new content and campaigns they’re working on. 

Following the meeting, I like to spend a good amount of time looking at all of our partners’ social channels to see what’s going on in their business. While we offer call tracking for customers to monitor and record every inbound call and track the channel it comes from, we also offer a full closed-loop marketing attribution tool. Monitoring our partners means I can see any opportunities to upsell our marketing attribution tool.

For our agency partners in particular, offering marketing attribution allows them to add value to their propositions. With agency pitches getting more and more competitive, being able to offer true ROI by highlighting how a campaign has resulted in revenue definitely helps them to stand out. Then, I arrange catch up calls with partners for next week. 


My sales colleague Matt has lined up some new agency clients in the last few weeks, and now they’re passed over to me to manage. I have calls set up today with some of them, just to introduce myself and explain how I can help them get the most out of Ruler. 

I’ve also been working on some new partner opportunities, both with agencies we haven’t worked with and agencies who want to bring on new clients of theirs. 

I have a call set up with a huge opportunity which I’m excited for. They’re a franchise business with over 90 websites that would need tracking! I only joined the Ruler team in February 2020 but it’s been great to see how we’re continuing to grow each month and bring on even bigger opportunities. 

To close the day, Ian and our dev team arranged a training call for the sales and marketing teams. Our solution is constantly evolving, from new integrations to new features. This time, we’re looking at an altered dashboard coming into effect which will allow our users to view live chat tracking as a separate function. 


I have a few more calls today, but once 11am comes, I grab myself a hot drink and settle down in front of my laptop to watch a webinar on digital tools. Ian is up as a guest speaker, so the whole team rallies round their screens to watch him. He does a great job! Not only will this hopefully bring us some potential leads, the webinar was hosted by a partner which just helps strengthen our relationship. 

I hop on a quick call with one of our long-standing agency clients. They’ve been with us for a long time, and used our solution for a number of years. Given their experience with the platform, they’re a perfect candidate for a case study. We’re always looking to highlight our impact through strong case studies. Given our strength in B2B and high-value eCommerce, this case study for a solicitor’s firm will be a great addition!

I get through my client calls with good success and the rest of my day is about admin. Since it pays to be organised, I always plan my week in advance. Now my meetings for the day are complete, I make sure all of my call notes and actions are inputted into our CRM so I can keep track of our progress. 

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