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A Week in My Life: Kerry Boland, Founder, Growth Coaching Collective

Kerry Growth Coaching Collective

Kerry Boland co-founded Growth Coaching Collective in 2023 alongside Lou Parker.

Based in Greater Manchester, Growth Coaching Collective aims to empower entrepreneurs to unlock their potential through training courses and coaching programmes.

Boland has spent over a decade training senior sales teams and c-suite execs to bring in more money to their global organisations.

Here, she shares a recent week in her life…


I jump out of bed to my 5.30 alarm up, teeth brushed quick wash and in the gym for a 6am PT to start the day, up bright and breezy pumping iron to set me up for another successful week, home to wake the kiddies for school just after 7 and in the shower thinking about the day ahead, flick to cold for two mins and out I get ready to take on the world!

Face on, hair done, and ready for the school run. Quick sing song to the spice girls with my 9-year-old daughter and she is set up for the day too, with images of her old mum doing high kicks pretending to be a Spice Girl at her age.

Into my home office and ready to take on the week, but not before setting my intentions for how I want to show up for myself, my business and my clients today! I light my candle on my desk, write in my journal and flick through my book and stop at a random page for my daily vibe, Vibe 42- “Shedding the weight of the world, I take the weight of the world off my shoulders, I am safe to be myself”. I love this book, it’s my daily dose of woo before I jump into my strategic shoes.

Mondays are always a “CEO day” where we get to work ON the business, we start off with our directors meeting, followed by a catch-up with our creative team, we discuss the usual finances, KPI’s, what went well last week and our latest launch, what we loved about it and what we want to do moving forward, some big decisions were made in today’s meeting that will change our business model moving forward, removing the need to launch and being more in alignment with our values, scarcity is one of the things we don’t do in our business it just isn’t aligned with where we are going and so today we started mapping out the future of our accelerator programme to create more impact all year round.


Client strategy day today, onboarding a new multi six-figure agency to work with me for the next six months on their business growth strategy, focusing particularly on client acquisition and team expansion. After a morning at a bistro, it was onto Alberts for a spot of lunch and more planning. We reviewed current lead gen strategies and sales conversion rates and identified the gaps in the process and come up with a plan to plug these to enable the business to increase its sales conversions. These days are one of my favourite things I get to do in my business, fast action, high impact work with a very quick ROI for the client, extremely taxing on the energy though so it’s home to put my feet up and switch off to a bit of Virgin River on Netflix after playing Mum’s taxi on the footy and dance run.


Today started with a walk in the woods, there’s something about being in nature for me, this is where I do all of my best thinking. After a few voice notes to myself so I don’t forget (I have that kind of scatter brain sometimes) I get home ready to start my day with my 10am 1:1 client, we add the final touches to their brand new service offering for product based businesses and create the plan of action to get it to market, sneak peek at the new branding and its full steam ahead after months of planning. Catch up on a few emails and get to work on my brand new exciting project, domain purchased and branding signed off. (Watch this space)


Client delivery day today, back to back meetings from 9:30am starting with delivering training to our latest Sales Mastery cohort, 10 VERY different business owners ready to level up their sales game to create consistent income and results in their businesses. 3x 1:1 clients, celebrating a sold out event and local council support for domestic abuse awareness for one very special client, sold out group programme and signing off on a launch strategy. School pick up done and a sneaky trip to the local waffle place for waffles and ice cream. Shhh, don’t tell my PT.


Friday is a day to reflect on the week, update our company scorecard and review any outstanding tasks, very happy with our 12.5% conversion rate on the latest launch and already thinking of ways to keep that number growing. Early finish today, school run, gymnastics with little lady and off to yoga and some cold water dipping in the lake ready for a relaxing weekend before we do it all again next week.

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