Shell has appointed Manchester agency WRG to run its Shell Eco-marathon competition.
WRG, who won the job for the second successive year, will manage the crew logistics, registration and data management at the event in its 30th anniversary year in Manila and Rotterdam.
The Shell Eco-marathon sees hundreds of student teams from all over the world compete to build the world’s most energy efficient vehicle.
The event dates back to 1939, when Shell Oil Company employees in the USA made a friendly wager over who could travel furthest on the same amount of fuel.
Alan Doyle, deputy head of operations at WRG, said: “We’re incredibly proud to support Shell in the 30th year of the iconic Shell Eco-marathon. We relish the challenge to continually improve the efficient running of the event, enabling the team to deliver an unforgettable experience for delegates.”
Danny Van Otterdyk, head of CX production services at Shell, added: “With their expertise and experience, WRG manage the complex logistics behind the scenes, enabling us to bring together bright young engineers from all over the world to debate and discuss global fuel efficiency.”
WRG was recently handed another events contract by Shell, this time in Japan.