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Let us know how coronavirus is affecting you in Prolific North’s survey


The creative, tech and marketing industries are in the process of getting used to our new normal – and for many, things are still incredibly uncertain.

Recently, we outlined our pledge to support the sector throughout the coronavirus crisis – including creating a portfolio of business-focused case studies and resources; offering 50% off jobs listings on the Prolific North website; making listings on our Freelancers hub free; a programme of webinars, and more.

But that’s not the limit of how we want to support you. We’ve launched a survey to collect information on how to crisis is affecting you – so we can find new ways to get behind our peers, associates and valued supporters. 

We want to collate the most detailed picture possible of how coronavirus is affecting the North’s agencies and brands, so want to get as many responses from our community as we can.

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We want to hear how lockdown is affecting you and your company, to offer what support we can.

Tell us your experiences of the coronavirus crisis

Visit this page to answer a few questions on how Prolific North can support you, your organisation and your sector during the lockdown.

Are there new strategies we could be looking at to help companies grow and weather this storm? Perhaps there are ideas for new virtual events on the cards to encourage collaboration and growth from afar. Whatever it is, we want to know.

We want to find out the ways in which coronavirus, self-isolation, and working from home, have affected your organisation, and help in whichever ways we can.

Following the outbreak of coronavirus which has touched every aspect of our community, Prolific North released a range of initiatives including our liveblog, which includes all the latest updates on the good and bad news about how the pandemic is affecting the industry. You can also learn from a series of industry leaders through our practical resources.

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