Blue Peter celebrates 60th anniversary with Diamond Badge


Blue Peter marked its 5000th programme with a live show at MediaCityUK and the launch of a newly designed badge.

The show celebrates its 60th anniversary in October and commissioned a special Diamond badge from fashion designer, Henry Holland.

It’s the first time that the iconic badge shape has been altered and the limited edition will only awarded during its 60th year

Leila Williams, who was an original presenter on the first episode of Blue Peter said:

“What an achievement to reach such a milestone, it is stupendous and mind boggling. The memory of walking into that little office in Shepherd’s Bush after the first broadcast went out to be met by John, Gilly and Chris shouting ‘we are a success!’ will always stay with me. Looking forward I can only say how exciting it is that Blue Peter will reach 60 years in October. It is a huge tribute to the teams past and present who have worked so hard to keep her afloat.”



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