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The Wrap: John Kehoe, CEO Media Agency Group


Each Friday in The Wrap, one of the North’s leading media and creative figures gives us their take on the news covered by Prolific North over the last seven days. This week it’s the turn of John Kehoe, CEO of Media Agency Group.

Martin Lewis and Facebook.

Facebook has been in the spotlight again this week, for sharing ‘fake adverts’ linked to TV Presenter and Moneysavingexpert Founder Martin Lewis.

Facebook needs to do more to protect people, brands, and consumers, around content posts and adverts. Apple’s AppStore approach to apps and content is a good example (some may say a little extreme) to how to best manage online content. A year back, it took Apple an average of 10 business days to approve Apps in the AppStore. This lengthy vetting, not only around app quality but also content, allowed a safe eco-system for brands, developers and most importantly consumers. Now some might argue this is not feasible and lacks fluidity in the advertising space. I agree to a certain extent, but to be honest I don’t know and have the best solution.

Brands or agencies advertising on their behalf could have a speedier process since they are liable, but other advertising topics should be well vetted. Another great example is Google. Their advertising platform also has a human reviewing process with strict content guidelines and they have a 24-48h approval window.

Maybe Facebook could take a lesson or two from some of their competitors in the digital space?


It’s fantastic to see trusted news brands such as the Guardian taking great strides to adapt to a digital era, which has seen their core print product decline in circulations.

In an era where news content is so readily available in real time across multiple channels, these results highlight the investment in quality content the Guardian has committed to. This allows them to maintain their position as a trusted brand and grow their subscription base to further increase revenue. 

Further innovation such as their union with NewsUK and the Telegraph, to deliver a premium video marketplace and a collaboration with FourFourTwo and ESPN to deliver World Cup content – should help to further engage audiences and grow their reach to help achieve the goals set out in their three-year plan. It’s exciting times for news-brands and hopefully, other publications can take similar measures to grow the marketplace.   

 Channel 4

The competition for the new Channel4 HQ has stepped up a gear, with Liverpool throwing its hat into the ring and stating they want to make the broadcaster its ‘soul mate’.  The city has certainly gone through a transformation in recent years and it is great to see it becoming a popular location for feature films and building on its media heritage

However, it will be a hard contest pitching against MediaCityUK, which has become home to ITV, the BBC, numerous TV indies and a plethora of creative and media agencies (like ourselves) and the brand has become a globally recognised ‘media’ destination.  I’m not sure who I will put my bets on, but in my opinion, just having Channel4 in the North is a positive and welcomed move for agencies like ourselves.

 Westmorland Gazette

It is wonderful to see an exhibition dedicated to sharing the story of the 200-year-old Westmorland Gazette. As a media agency, it is great to see a local publication still flourishing and celebrated with a journey through its history. I look forward to visiting the exhibition and getting some insight into the evolution of the local rag.

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