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European football win for twentysix


twentysix has created a new website for the European Club Association, which represents teams including Manchester United, Barcelona and Bayern Munich.

The Leeds agency has built the site on Umbraco to support collaboration between clubs and fans across the world.

It includes a secure area, where members can plan events, share content and access documents. The public-facing site can be personalised and has the latest news, rankings and access lists.

“We have been routinely impressed throughout our partnership with twentysix. Ours is a commercially sensitive and complex brief, and they stood head and shoulders above the other agencies we saw,” said Marc Schmidgall, head of communications & marketing at the ECA in Nyon, Switzerland.

“We’re confident that they will continue to deliver the same intuitive and excellent service over the course of our coming years together.”

Twentysix has been the ECA’s digital partner for almost 10 years and WAS reappointed recently following a competitive tender.

“The ECA is an elite organisation, with involvement and initiatives that stretch beyond football, and we wanted to build a site that reflected and amplified this. We undertook extensive discovery and development phases to get this right and the interaction between fans and members at opposite ends of the world is testament to that,” added Gail Dudleston, global CEO at twentysix.

“The new site uses the latest technology to serve their audiences better and support collaboration between the best football clubs in the world. We are thrilled to be working with the ECA team again and we hope their members and fans will love the new site.”

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