Summit report finds UK retailers missing out on £2bn of online revenue


Yorkshire online retailing specialist Summit has released a new report showing UK retailers are missing out on £2billion in online revenue each year due to slow websites and not having guest checkouts.

Argos and Sainsbury’s topped the table of the UK’s 50 biggest retailers, with John Lewis, Screwfix and Tesco following closely behind.

The bottom position is jointly held by Dorothy Perkins, Superdrug, Topshop, and Evans, with a score of 56%. Topshop scored only 13% for online customer service, as a result of slow response times and limited contact options for customers.

The Scorecard report ranks the UK’s top 50 retailers on their ecommerce offering. Retailers were assessed and scored on over 170 elements across four main ecommerce pillars: logistics and customer service, ecommerce technology, online marketing and digital trading.

Scores were then averaged out across all areas, giving each retailer an overall score.

The report also found that 38% of the top 50 retailers do not have a guest checkout option, costing the group £1billion per year as over a quarter of shoppers abandon their baskets without this option.

Hedley Aylott, CEO and co-founder of Summit, said: “The Summit Scorecard provides us with an understanding of what the top 50 UK retailers are really like to shop with online. While retailers have made huge strides, with most now getting mobile right, many are still struggling to offer delivery options that meet shoppers’ needs.”

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