The Top 50 PR Agencies list, the benchmark ranking for the region’s PR and communications agencies, is returning for 2021.
The final list will be revealed on Prolific North on September 24th. We’ve partnered once again with independent researchers Mustard, who will be conducting the research and compiling the final list. Now is your chance to get in touch with our research partners to be considered for inclusion.
The Top 50 PR Agencies will be based upon financials including balance sheet/shareholder funds, turnover, pre-tax profit, headcount and growth. Information and data is sourced from the agencies and confirmed with the financial reporting company fame BVD, along with data at Companies House.
To be considered for inclusion, email [email protected] by August 6th in order to confidentially discuss all relevant statistics with our research partner.
As always, we do not publish or reveal any financials as part of the ranking – these are discussed privately between the companies and Mustard as the majority of companies in the Top 50 publish abbreviated accounts.