A host of Northern PR practitioners have contributed to social media handbook, Share This Too, which has already gone to number one on Amazon’s Hot New Release Chart.
Share This Too: More Social Media Solutions for PR Professionals is backed by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and has been edited by Rule 5’s Rob Brown and Ketchum’s Stephen Waddington.
It’s a follow up to Share This, which was released last year and features contributions from 30 PR professionals. These include:
McCann Manchester’s Robin Wilson;
Dinosaur PR’s Chris Norton;
Dom Burch, head of social media at Asda;
Richard Bailey, senior lecturer in public relations, Leeds Metropolitan University;
And Stuart Bruce, consultant, trainer and associate lecturer, Leeds Metropolitan University.
“It was both a joy and a real challenge to edit,” said Rob Brown.
“Can you imagine how hard it is to get 30 PR people to deliver to a cut-off date when they know that you are in PR too and are bound to have given them a false deadline?”
The book was released this morning and is split into 7 sections: the future of public relations; audiences and online habits; conversations; new channels, new connections; professional practice; business change and opportunities for the public relations industry; and future proofing the public relations industry.