Saffron Cherry Productions, creator of The Madame Blanc Mysteries, has secured the TV rights for Chris Heath’s audio sitcom Cat/Person, a series of overheard conversations between a broken man Matthew (Heath) and Hobson (Sue Vincent), his sociopathic rescue cat.
The announcement comes as brand-new episodes of the audio sitcom land on all major podcast platforms, starting this week and dropping weekly on Monday, while plans for a Cat/Person live show are also underway.
Cat/Person accurately and hilariously encapsulates the kind of relentless emotional hazing that cats love to lavish on their eager-to-please ‘owners’. Matthew is doing his best to keep himself from falling into a black hole following an unhappy divorce. To get him through the dark days, his friends recommend that he gets himself an emotional support animal.
After a trip to the local animal shelter, Matthew finds himself paired with Hobson, a rescue cat played by Sue Vincent (The Madame Blanc Mysteries, Alma’s Not Normal, Blindspot). Matthew is sentimental, messy and lonely. Hobson is hungry and insisting on a treat. Immediately.
In each episode, we are privy to a selection of conversations between human and cat, as Matthew tries his best to navigate his new life as a near shut-in, with Hobson conveniently on-hand to point out just how badly he’s doing at this. We’ll be listening in as Matthew tackles the biggest obstacles in life as he now knows it: social media, insomnia, love, death, sex, comfort eating and drinking.
Cat/Person will be developed by female-led, Manchester-based, multi-genre production company Saffron Cherry Productions, which is led by MD Caroline Roberts-Cherry, with writer, producer and actor Sally Lindsay as creative director.
Caroline Roberts-Cherry, MD, Saffron Cherry Productions, said: “Chris has a brilliant ability to make his audience laugh and Cat/Person is the latest creation he has brought to Saffron Cherry Productions. We love working with both Chris and Sue, and so this really is the Cat’s Whiskers.”
Writer and star Chris Heath added: “It’s stupidly exciting to see what’s next for Cat/Person… It’s picked up a real groundswell through word of mouth and I know there’s no better place to build the show than at Saffron Cherry, with Caroline and Sally.”
Sue Vincent, voice of Hobson said: “Being the voice of Hobson is an absolute joy. Cat/Person is the perfect blend of belly laughter and tears. The relationship between a man and his cat is a complex one, especially when it’s a cat with an ego.”