North West is UK’s strongest location for tech says new research


New research has revealed that the North West is at the centre of the UK tech industry, leading the charge over London.

The Decision Intelligence (DI) Maturity Index, from decision intelligence platform Peak, looks at the commercial AI readiness of business in the US, UK and India. It found that the average maturity level for businesses in the North West (47 out of 100) was the highest in the UK, beating London (46) and the South East (38).

The Decision Intelligence Maturity Index draws on an international survey of 3,000 senior decision makers from businesses with at least 100 employees across the US, UK and India. It covers a broad range of themes related to decision-making, data and artificial intelligence.

Fieldwork for the survey was undertaken by Opinium between 21-31 July 2022. The index is designed to be used to assess the DI readiness of respondents’ businesses, providing an overall score of 0 to 100 based on their current level of maturity.

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