North West media marks Morecambe Bay tragedy anniversary

Peter Marshall speaks to the Morecambe Bay survivor Peter Marshall speaks to the Morecambe Bay survivor

News organisations across the region are today producing special reports to mark the 10th anniversary of the deaths of a gang of cockle pickers.

The bay’s notorious tides claimed the lives of 23 Chinese cockle pickers, who were controlled by a gangmaster with little appreciation of the area’s dangers.

The Visitor reveals that the cockle bags abandoned by Chinese men and women who lost their lives have gradually emerged from the sands of Morecambe Bay in past weeks in a video interview.

The Lancaster Guardian carries a selection of views on the tragedy including a first person piece from musician Pete Moser who was deeply touched by the events of that night and has since worked with Chinese people, musicians and artists, to bring something positive from an ‘unspeakable tragedy’.

At ITV, correspondent Rob Smith has returned to the Bay to speak to those who tried to save the cocklers and produced the video report which can be seen here.

As we reported earlier this week, BBC One’s Inside Out North West has broadcast the first ever interview with the only survivor of the Morecambe Bay cockling tragedy.

* See any further reports during the day? Please do share the links via the comments below.

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