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Modern English create Dua Lipa chat-bot for latest campaign

Dua Moods

Manchester creative technology agency Modern English has launched a facial recognition playlist generator for pop sensation Dua Lipa.

The new app allows fans to interact with a Dua Lipa chat-bot and upload a selfie that is analysed to give a personal playlist based on the mood their face depicts.

The concept has been developed in collaboration with Warner Brothers in Los Angeles over the last 12 months. 

Modern English co-founder Andrew Hirst said:  “DuaMoods has been designed to feel like you have a chat with Dua Lipa and share pictures through social, and she gives you music to listen to based on how you look. 

“There’s some other really nice features and a few easter eggs like a lot of other Modern English projects, but also for us it’s the realisation of a wonderful collaboration with the guys at Warner and also next step in a series of projects that we’ve been developing particularly over the last 18 months.

“We’re unbelievably proud of the work that has been done by our team on DuaMoods.  It uses cutting edge technology in a creative way and is a great showcase for some of our capabilities, and we’re sure that Dua’s fans are going to love it.”

Modern English have released a series of popular Spotify playlist apps since their Foo Fighters Mixtape Generator in May 2017.  

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