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Mando “replatforms” United Utilities website


Mando continues its long-standing relationship with United Utilities with a new web development.

The Liverpool agency has ‘replatformed’ its website to run on Episerver DXC, rather than the OpenText/RedDot content management system.

The reason for the change was because United Utilities felt it had outgrown both the platform, and the web design and wanted to deliver more personalised and contextually relevant information to their customers.

The company will now be able to bring many of its currently separate websites into a single platform, to streamline content management and reduce the amount of time taken to manage the website.

“Mando’s understanding of the utility sector and the requirements of our business has been essential in helping to deliver a website that meets the needs and expectations of our customers. The team have shown outstanding commitment through delivery of a complex project within demanding timeframes,” said Denise Maskew, customer digital manager at United Utilities.

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