Leeds Tech Hub Fund invests £850k in digital labs


Two digital studios have received almost £850k from the Leeds Tech Hub Fund.

Duke Studios will get £393k to transform the warehouse into a new modern base, with state-of-the-art projection, sound and streaming. It will also invest in an innovation lab to create rapid prototypes.

FutureLabs has received £455k to help early stage tech companies develop and grow. This will include meet-ups and events and building on the pop-up project in the Eastgate area of the city.

“I am delighted to be able to announce that the two final projects to receive assistance from the fund will include the creation of a state of the art events space and prototyping facility by Duke Studios, and the continuing important work by FutureLabs with early stage tech businesses,” explained Councillor James Lewis, Leeds City Council’s executive member for resources and strategy.

“While the digital sector in Leeds is fast-growing we are certainly not being complacent. We will be continuing to work closely with partners to ensure that progress continues to be made here in the city and also with the parallel investments in Manchester and Sheffield to promote the growth of the northern tech sector.”

This is the final piece of funding from the Leeds Tech Hub, which was backed with £3.7m from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

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