As growing a business is tough, the new Founder F*ck Ups event series is where you’ll be able to hear valuable advice from founders who’ve been there before – and learnt their lessons the hard way.
The event, hosted by Prolific North, Enterprise City and Praetura Ventures on June 8th at the ABC Buildings in Manchester, will be an opportunity to hear some of the scars and stories from founders trying to find funding and grow their business, and more importantly, the advice they wish they had when they were starting out.
Founders are too often given conflicting advice from those who’ve never actually grown a company. This event is all about bringing us back to reality with a strict ‘no bullsh*t’ and ‘no judgement’ rule, listening to some awkward stories we can all learn a little from!
Ben Davies, group marketing director at Praetura Ventures, said:“Founders are often influenced and inspired by success stories, but there is also so much value in learning from other people’s failures. Having open and honest conversations about what went wrong is just as important as focusing on what went right.”