If Music be the food of love, play Theremin


Music is celebrating Valentine’s Day with a unique musical offering.

The Manchester agency has created a website to enable love-struck types the chance to dedicate a song to their special one – played on a Theremin.

Music creative, Matt Keers explained why he decided that this needed doing:

“We wanted to celebrate Valentine’s day – but in a way which you might not expect. I decided to introduce the studio to the theremin. The level of skill it takes to master is incredible and to watch a thereminist in action is spell binding. 

“I was amazed by how few people in the studio knew what the instrument was, so I took it upon myself to create a website that would help spread both love between people – and the love of the weird, wonderful, and often hilarious world of theremin.”

If you feel your loved one needs Theremin-led Celine Dion, or The Simpson’s theme song in their lives, then this is where you need to head.


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