GR8 Life increases distribution to 47,000 copies per edition


gr8LifeThe quarterly Southport lifestyle publication GR8 Life has overseen a substantial increase in its distribution from the previous 25,000 copies per issue to 47,000.

The title was established in Southport in 2007 by the independent publishing company The Champion Media Group and it launched with a distribution of 25,000 copies: 20,000 were hand delivered to homes via the company’s own distribution subsidiary with a further 5,000 circulated around public places such as local dental and docs surgeries, hairdressers and hotels

Initially the magazine was posted through the letter boxes of AB homes in Sefton and West Lancashire but from the last December edition, the magazine was also distributed to every household in Southport, marking a near doubling in circulation.

The magazine is quarterly but the company is hoping to  increase frequency to bi monthly in the future.

The Champion group employs around 50 staff along with a number of freelancers who between them produce seven local newspapers, several magazines and several local guides.

Louisa Austin Louisa Austin

GR8 Life’s editor, Louisa Austin said that “There were a number of new plans and initiatives scheduled to come into being over the coming months.

“We are launching a new paper next week in Anfield which will be a pick up and we recently launched a delivered paper in Bootle and we are expecting to be employing additional editorial staff due to this growth.

“Our managing director, Betty Drummond, is extremely proud that we are one of the only publishers launching new products at the moment.”

Gr8 Life has a digital presence but hitherto investment in the group has been on the Champion newspapers and the company’s Linedancer magazine, but Austin is expecting Gr8life to be the next title at Champion to undergo digital investment.


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