Fluid Creativity has developed an e-learning website for the NHS to help staff understand the new 18 week referral pathway.
Under new rules, it’s a legal requirement for patients to be be treated within 18 weeks and the new eLearning course guides staff through the rules and standards.
The brainchild of NHS professionals, Nicola Cooper and Karen Hyde, they turned to Fluid in Hyde to make their ideas a reality.
“The website will train staff from receptionists through to board level to understand the 18 week rules and how to apply them. Patients are waiting far too long for their treatment and Trusts could incur fines if they don’t achieve the Standards,” they explained.
“Although we knew exactly how we wanted to website to look, neither of us have any knowledge of how to transfer this into a user friendly website. Fluid Creativity not only managed to do that, but they actually understood a concept of which they had no prior knowledge, grasping our ideas and text and transforming them into a fantastic website.”
The digital agency was also responsible for coming up with the branding, including a logo for the service.