Fashion Retail Academy picks Hangar Seven for pro bono brief


The Fashion Retail Academy (FRA), the vocational skills academy dedicated to providing “job ready” graduates to the fashion retail industry, has appointed Hangar Seven as its retained agency.

Cheshire-based Hangar Seven, which also has offices in Leeds and London, will provide a range of content creation and design services.

Amanda Colvin, the FRA’s marketing and communications manager, said: “We’re delighted to be working with Hangar Seven. They have a proven track record of providing content within the fashion space and, importantly, they have demonstrated a strong commitment to the FRA’s charitable ethos.”

When it opened in September 2005, the Fashion Retail Academy became the UK’s first National Skills Academy dedicated to educating and training people for the fashion retail workplace.

It now works with over 135 major fashion retailers including the five main sponsors: Arcadia, M&S, Next, Experian and Tesco.

Rebecca DeVolle, senior client partner at Hangar Seven, added: “As part of its commitment to the FRA, Hangar Seven has agreed to provide a range of content creation and design services on a pro bono basis. Hangar Seven will also be working with the FRA to offer some of their students internships to learn about fashion marketing.”

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