In this eBook – the third in our series – you will find interviews and articles from some of eCSN’s exhibitors. The pieces cover a range of topics that look to help you garner a deeper understanding of how to get ahead in search marketing, product information data and recruiting the right talent, as well as interviews with senior professionals from Hopewiser, Kelkoo and the CEO of Kooomo.
A preview of the content inside the ebook
The ebook includes content from:
- Ciaran Bollard, CEO, Kooomo
- Scott Hanson, Retail Product Information Specialist, Pimberly
- Mike Garvey, Senior Business Development Manager, Click Consult
- Kirsty Allen, Head of Social Media, Digital Media Team
- Ed Schofield, Founder, Digital People
- Neil Kuschel, CEO Europe, Global-e
- Amy Croft, Portal Product Manager
- & Jon Good, General Manager UK, Hopewiser
- Charlotte Mackenzie, PR Manager, Kelkoo
- Katharina Hermann, PR Representative, Shopware
eCSN 2019 will feature leading exponents of eCommerce with businesses specialising in the full range of available services and solutions.
The expo in May will take place under the same roof and at the same time as the Tech Show North 2019, meaning visitors will have access to even more speakers and stalls.
To find out how your business can get involved, contact Martyn Collins on 07764 406873 or martyn@prolificnorth.co.uk
How to get involved