“Curious, resourceful and progressive” rebrand for Qbase


An 18th Century Swiss mathematician has inspired the rebrand of North West data services provider, Qbase.

The company has renamed as Euler, after the aforementioned Leonhard Euler – who was regarded as adopting and adapting existing techniques to pioneer new branches of maths and thinking.

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“Our expansion in the dynamic customer data market needed a name and brand that represented our vision. As one of our key services is analysing historic customer data to predict the future, it seemed apt to take a name from the past to represent our future,” explained Rob Jones, CEO of Euler.

“But it’s more than that. Euler epitomises our core values of being curious, resourceful, and progressive, which underpin how we mobilise data to fuel sales, build loyalty and transform customer experiences for all our clients. We’re excited to kickstart our new chapter with a new identity, and our new headquarters make it easier to meet our clients’ needs.”

This is one part of the company’s growth plans, as it prepares to move its 44 staff to a purpose-designed space at The Gateway in Warrington.

Its 5-year growth strategy, which also includes plans to increase revenues 20% year on year follow a management buy out in 2019.

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