Brass produces first TV campaign for Leeds Beckett University


Leeds Beckett University has appointed Brass for its debut television commercial.

It will air via the new platform, Sky AdSmart and is targeted at the undergraduate audience in the North East, North West and Yorkshire.

“When developing this campaign it was important to recognise that in this digital age, the need for integrated marketing is paramount. More than ever, consumers are interacting with brands across a number of different channels and engaging at different stages of the customer journey,” explained Deborah Green, marketing director, at Leeds Beckett University.

“The strength behind the campaign is that we have used real learning environments, real students, and real academic staff so it is an authentic representation of the student experience at our university. We’re really excited by Brass’ creative work which captures the spirit of the University and the inspirational quality of both our facilities and our offering.”

The 30 second commercial was developed and scripted by Brass and shot at the University, featuring current staff and students.

The Mob produced the film, while Brass planned and bought the media.

“It was important to recognise that this campaign needs to work for two audiences. Firstly, we have our prospective students, whose lives revolve around the internet. Second, are parents, teachers and influencers who are more likely to watch TV, so the film has been designed not only as a TV commercial but also to create online content that is shareable and will engage with even more people over time,” added Brass director, David Lavelle.

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