Bidooh ramps up digital OOH currency with global exchange


Manchester’s Bidooh is continuing to expand its digital currency, with a listing on CoinAll.

Bidooh is a real-time, real-audience, digital advertising platform and customers can use its DOOH Token to buy advertising space. At the moment, a single token buys a 10 second advert on the platform. 

Its listing on CoinAll, which is partner of OKEx means the tokens are accessible to be purchased and traded by OKEx’s 20m users. It’s also listing on decentralised exhcnage, DDEX.

“We’ve been watching Bidooh since the very beginning, it’s very rare to see a project live with an MVP and already servicing clients. We have been very impressed with the team and the backing they have from Michael Edelson,” said William Lee, listing manager of CoinAll.

“As a result, we are very happy that they have chosen to list with CoinAll Exchange. We are always keen to support exciting projects and wish Bidooh all the success for the future.”

It follows the completion of the firm’s ICO last month and tokens will be distributed to ICO participants.

“The listing of DOOH Tokens on the CoinAll and DDEX exchanges marks a significant milestone for Bidooh following our successful ICO. The size and scope of these exchanges’ userbases is very impressive and should provide a high level of liquidity capable of meeting demand for our tokens,” added Abdul Alim, co-founder and CEO of Bidooh.

“This strengthens our token ecosystem and furthers the case for participants in the ICO to keep following this exciting growth story as we continue to roll out our transformative digital billboard platform around the globe.”

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