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BBC writersroom goes digital with magnetic North


Manchester-based magneticNorth has worked with BBC writersroom to launch its new e-submissions system, allowing writers to submit their scripts to the BBC online for the first time.

BBC writersroom runs a variety of talent searches, development schemes and events to seek out the next generation of writers, and reads all unsolicited scripts on behalf of the BBC.

Recent successes have include Dominic Mitchell’s In The Flesh and Debbie Moon’s Wolfblood.

Previously, writers were required to submit their scripts to the BBC by post, resulting in a considerable management task for the writersroom team, who handle up to 10,000 script submissions every year.

The BBC's Kate Rowland The BBC’s Kate Rowland

Kate Rowland, creative director of new writing at the BBC, said: “We’re very excited about the launch of the new e-submissions system. As the only broadcaster that has such an open script process, it’s vital that we stay relevant and accessible going forward.”

Sanjeev Shewhorak, technical director at magneticNorth, added: “The role that digital plays in helping discover new talent is an interesting one to us, with many possibilities, so we’ve thoroughly enjoyed developing the new submissions system with the writersroom team.

“We hope that by creating a fluid, intuitive system for the writers who want to submit scripts and the BBC team managing the flow of content, that even more great talent continues to come through the process.”

Starting today with Script Room – writersroom’s regular open call talent search for TV, radio, film and theatre scripts – writers will now be able to create a profile to digitally submit scripts and track their progress.

A new interface has been built for the writersroom team, who will now be able to use iPad and Kindle devices to read and review the scripts they receive.

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